About us
Team Members
Current Members

Principal Investigator
Institute of Astronomy, NTHU
Co-Principal Investigator
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
Co-Principal Investigator
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics, NCUE

Project Manager
Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

PhD Student
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

PhD Student
Department of Physics, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Physics, NTHU

Graduate Student
Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Physics, NTHU

Undergraduate Student
Department of Electronics and
Electrical Engineering , NYCU

Undergraduate Student
Department of Physics, NCUE
Former Members
PhD Student
Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

PhD Student
Institute of Astronomy, NTHU
PhD Student
Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

PhD Student
Department of Physics, NCU

Research Assistant
Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Physics, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Electrical and
Control Engineering, NYCU

Graduate Student
Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

Graduate Student
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

Undergraduate Student
Department of Physics, NTHU

Undergraduate Student
Department of Power Mechanical
Engineering, NTHU

Undergraduate Student
Arete Honors Program, NYCU

Undergraduate Student
Department of Physics, NCUE