About us

Team Members

Current Members

Hsiang-Kuang Chang

Principal Investigator

Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Chih-hsun Lin

Co-Principal Investigator

Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica

Che-Chih Tsao

Co-Principal Investigator

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Chin-Ping Hu

Assistant Professor

Department of Physics, NCUE

Ching-Fen Tan

Project Manager

Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

An-Hsuan Feng

PhD Student

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Tzu-Hsuan Lin

PhD Student

Department of Physics, NTHU

Hao-Min Chang

Graduate Student

Department of Physics, NTHU

Chih-En Wu

Graduate Student

Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Hsiang Chu

Graduate Student

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Yu-Hwa Wang

Graduate Student

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Wei-Shen Lai

Graduate Student

Department of Physics, NTHU

Hong-Yi Chen

Undergraduate Student

Department of Electronics and

Electrical Engineering , NYCU

Yi-Sian Lee

Undergraduate Student

Department of Physics, NCUE

Former Members

Chao-Xi Wang

PhD Student

Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Che-Yen Chu

PhD Student

Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Chien-Ying Yan

PhD Student

Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Yung-Wei Chang

PhD Student

Department of Physics, NCU

Jr-Yue Hsiang

Research Assistant

Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Chien-You Huang

Graduate Student

Department of Physics, NTHU

Shun-Jia Yang

Graduate Student

Department of Electrical and

Control Engineering, NYCU

Yun-Hsin Chung

Graduate Student

Institute of Astronomy, NTHU

Zhen-Hong Liao

Graduate Student

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Chia-Yu Lu

Graduate Student

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Keng-Li Lai

Graduate Student

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Yan-Fu Chen

Graduate Student

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Chun-Wei Wu

Graduate Student

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Tzu-Hsiang Su

Undergraduate Student

Department of Physics, NTHU

Zi-Jun Gong

Undergraduate Student

Department of Power Mechanical

Engineering, NTHU

Yi-Ning Tsao

Undergraduate Student

Arete Honors Program, NYCU

Yi-Wen Huang

Undergraduate Student

Department of Physics, NCUE